04 April 2010

Polymer clay photo frames

I am really pleased with these little photo frames - my first proper pieces made from polymer clay. The frames have a metal base, so I was able to bake them in the oven complete with the clay. Each one has been made with a different technique. From left to right:
1. Colour streaked polymer clay with metal leaf and silver gel pen additions, coated with satin glaze.
2. Mosaic-style tiles, coated with artist's matt acrylic varnish (it looks just the same as the satin glaze - it is not actually matt). This one is still in progress - I need to get some black grout to fill in the small spaces between the tiles.
3. Mokume Gane slices, with metal leaf, rolled into a black base clay. I do not want to glaze/varnish this frame, as I like the matt surface. The metal leaf seems well rolled in, so I think it will be durable.

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