I attended the opening night of the Great Art Sale at the Lake House, Takapuna and was thrilled to discover that my polymer clay tile artwork "Our Future" had been sold earlier in the day.
I will have three pieces in this forthcoming exhibition. They are not new artworks but need to move on, to make room for new pieces, especially now that I know we are going to be moving apartments.
Today we have signed to take the apartment next door. Why move you may say? Well, it is bigger with a better layout and an extra little room that I can have as a dedicated 'studio'. I can't wait - we will be moving over the weekend of 18/19 August. Although it is literally only next door, it is still a bit of an upheaval and will mean postponing some of my workshop promotions until we are settled. However, it will be so much better in the long run.
To accommodate some other projects I am currently working on, I have
made some slight adjustments to the dates for the remaining schedule of polymer
clay workshops for this year. I have also changed the scope slightly, to cater
for a wider range of interests. Please see the ‘WORKSHOPS’ tab at the top of
this page for the latest information.